Revolving Banner



You may cancel your order at any point and up to 7 working days after the day on which the goods are received on goods that have not been used. You must notify the ‘Company’ by phone, email or letter. The ‘Company’ will reimburse you by the same method you paid. You are required to return the goods to the ‘Company’ complete, with the original packaging, in good condition and at your cost within 10 working days from you notifying the ‘Company’ of your cancellation. As a Consumer, you are under duty to take reasonable care of the goods whilst they are in your possession.



From time-to-time some of the products sold via the Aqualyze website may visually change in appearance. Where the changes are purely aesthetic and do not affect the performance of the product, the ‘Company’ will continue to supply the product without notification to the Consumer. Your Cancellation rights are not affected, all factors in the ‘Cancellation & Returns’ section apply.



The ‘Company’ is a registered company and operates from the following address:-


Aqualyze Drinking Water Systems,

Ave Sanchez Lozano 114

Alicante 03191